Unveiling Babylon's Fall: A Deep Dive into Revelation 16-18
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Unveiling Babylon's Fall: A Deep Dive into Revelation 16-18

Dive deep into the prophecies of Revelation 16-18 as we uncover the mysteries of Babylon's fall and God's final judgment. Explore the seven bowls of wrath, the cryptic riddle of the seven kings, and the collapse of the global economic system. Discover how ancient history and modern events align with biblical prophecy in this eye-opening analysis.

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Decoding the End Times: A Deep Dive into Revelation 13-15
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Decoding the End Times: A Deep Dive into Revelation 13-15

Uncover the mysteries of Revelation 13-15 in this comprehensive study. From the rise of the Antichrist to the final harvest of souls, learn how these ancient prophecies connect with our world today and what they mean for the future.

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Decoding Revelation 9-12: Demons, Witnesses, and Cosmic Battles in the End Times
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Decoding Revelation 9-12: Demons, Witnesses, and Cosmic Battles in the End Times

Dive into the heart of Revelation's most intense prophecies as we unpack chapters 9-12. Witness the unleashing of Satan's demon army, the powerful ministry of God's two witnesses, and the cosmic battle symbolized by the Woman, Child, and Dragon. Discover how these ancient visions shed light on our world today and prepare us for the challenging times ahead.

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Revelation 6-8: Four Horsemen, Judgments & God's Mercy Explained | Mark Russak
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Revelation 6-8: Four Horsemen, Judgments & God's Mercy Explained | Mark Russak

Dive into the heart of Revelation's most intense prophecies as we unpack chapters 6-8. Witness the dramatic release of the Four Horsemen, uncover the mysteries of the seven seals, and explore God's mercy through the 144,000 sealed witnesses. From cosmic disturbances to devastating trumpet judgments, discover how these ancient visions shed light on our world today and prepare us for the challenging times ahead.

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Discover the Shocking End Times Prophecies Unfolding Now!
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Discover the Shocking End Times Prophecies Unfolding Now!

Discover how recent global events align with Biblical end times prophecies. Israel faces unprecedented isolation with world court arrest warrants, Germany's bold actions, and new European recognition of Palestine. Iran's missile attacks and rising antisemitic violence on college campuses further echo prophetic warnings. Are these events coincidences or signs of the end times? Find out more in Israel in the End Times: Headlines Meets Prophecy, Spring 2024.

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The Divine Mystery: Unraveling the Physiology and Power of Jesus' Blood
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The Divine Mystery: Unraveling the Physiology and Power of Jesus' Blood

Discover the profound significance of Jesus' blood in our latest exploration, "The Physiology of Jesus Blood." Delve into the reasons why God chose blood for redemption, its mention over 700 times in the Bible, and the miracle of fetal blood circulation. Join us to understand the spiritual and physiological marvels behind this divine choice and its impact on humanity.

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Bible Evidence Meets Critical Thinking Sceptics
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Bible Evidence Meets Critical Thinking Sceptics

How often do sceptics say The Bible is old, outdated, you cannot trust this, or it’s been changed so many times throughout the years, how can someone possibly know it’s true? Sadly, many atheists, agnostics or cynics often repeat headlines or take someone’s word based on status or they center their beliefs from people with ulterior motives.  We can also point out celebrities that are enamored with themselves, and then perhaps other narcissists filled with egotistical pride.  If one considers the possibility that Jesus and the Bible are accurate, this means one’s decision has the most profound consequence that any rational thinking man or woman can fathom.   This presentation will show far and away, beyond the shadow of any possible doubt that Jesus and the Bible is accurate & we can prove it…. with empirical, factual & verifiable evidence that cannot be disputed.  Join us now as we uncover the corroborated data in “Bible Evidence Meets Critical Thinking Sceptics.”

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Isolating Israel…Headlines Meets prophecy March 2024
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Isolating Israel…Headlines Meets prophecy March 2024

The attack on Israel now involves 10 countries and at least four major terrorist groups.

The US is putting on a full court political power play to remove the Israeli prime minister from office.

The United Nations and most of the globe is accusing Israel of genocide when they themselves are threatened to be removed from the face of the earth….simply because they are Jewish or in the eyes of evil….because God created this very specific country and people

While the US media is carrying the water buckets for the American administration, a 2nd solar eclipse is about to fall directly over the United States, exactly 7 years apart from the first one. This eclipse will fall over 7 cities named Nineveh, while the 2017 blackout covered 7 cities named “Salem”.

The book of Genesis clearly states, those who curse Israel will be cursed & those who bless Israel will be blessed….should America be concerned?

Please consider joining us as we unravel the news from around the world in “Isolating Israel in the End Times….Headlines Meets prophecy, March 2024

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The Days of Noah, Lot & the Rapture
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The Days of Noah, Lot & the Rapture

EVERYONE that takes the Bible literally believes the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Almost every one of these Christians believe in the rapture of the church to the Fathers house according to the promise Jesus made us in John 14:1-3.

These events are so clearly taught it is impossible to deny them. However, there are divergent opinions as to the exact timing of the rapture.

There is no one verse that teaches Jesus will come before, during or after the tribulation. The timing must be centered on careful study & deduction based on Bible passages concerning His return.

Conversely, did you know that not 1 verse in the entire Bible places the church in the closing 7-year tribulation described by the prophet Daniel as the 70th week.

This 70th week displays the fury of almighty God, yet the church is not to endure this wrath according to the scriptures penned by the apostles John & Paul.

Please join us now as we present this crystal-clear study of the scriptures concerning what the Biblical translators of Greek, Hebrew & Latin term Harpazo, Lakach & Rapturo or the English translation: “Rapture”

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Jesus, Jonah & the Great American Eclipse
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Jesus, Jonah & the Great American Eclipse

A careful study from Assyriologist Donald Wiseman indicates Jonah’s warnings to the city of Nineveh in ancient Assyria fits the timeframe of a total solar eclipse on June 15, 763BC

Could Jonah’s warnings be followed with a blacked-out sun?

The repentance of an entire pagan city the size of Nineveh would be a greater miracle than for Jonah to survive getting swallowed by a fish.

Fast forward to the Gospels, when the pharisees petitioned Jesus for a sign in Matthew 12, He responded “An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign. Yet no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah”

America is on the cusp of its 2nd solar eclipse in 7 years but there are extremely eerie patterns that defy the word coincidence, such as the 2nd eclipse will pass through 7 cities named Nineveh.

Combine both these areas where the 2 eclipses pass, and it forms an X pattern directly across the continental U.S.

This 2nd eclipse is on April 8th, open Exodus 4:8 & we see the following:

“Then the Lord said, “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second”

Keep in mind there is no word in Hebrew for coincidence…..perhaps with very good reason

Please consider joining us for this exploration in the Heavens alongside the telescopic lens outlined from scripture in

Jesus, Jonah & the Great American Eclipse

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